
Estas modelos encienden Instagram con su yoga nudista

Dos modelos y profesoras de Yoga han triunfado en Instagram gracias a sus fotos donde salen completamente desnudas mientras posan en diferentes posiciones que exponen su gran flexibilidad


Las normas contra los desnudos de Instagram fueron desafiadas en forma muy sutil por unas jóvenes quienes crearon sus cuentas para compartir esta manera tan particular de hacer yoga, y en poco tiempo han logrado sumar miles de seguidores.

Jess Taras

Es una modelo artística, profesora de yoga y actualmente cuenta con 243 mil seguidores. Esta californiana comenzó a practicar yoga a la edad de 17 años para sobreponerse a sus problemas de depresión. Su proyecto #YogaAfterDark consiste en una serie de fotos que comparten su disciplina con otros. Dentro de poco lanzará su propia página web donde publicará contenido instruccional como rutinas de ejercicios, recetas, artículos de belleza, entre otros.

Miss Taras if you're nasty

Una foto publicada por Jess Taras (@jesstaras) el

Cause I wield the trident like Poseidon #yogaafterdark #committed #balance

Una foto publicada por Jess Taras (@jesstaras) el

Chillin, u? #yogaafterdark

Una foto publicada por Jess Taras (@jesstaras) el

Bow down. #surrender #yogaafterdark

Una foto publicada por Jess Taras (@jesstaras) el

Summoning something. #YogaAfterDark

Una foto publicada por Jess Taras (@jesstaras) el

Nude Yoga Girl

Bajo el seudónimo ‘Nude Yoga Girl’, esta chica de 25 años se define como modelo y fotógrafa. Igualmente, esconde su identidad lo que hace de ella un personaje mucho más interesante de seguir.
Todas sus fotos son en blanco y negro. La clave de su éxito es que nunca muestra nada explícito, sino más bien sugiere. En una entrevista para la revista NY Mag, afirmó que su mayor problema era que encontraba constantemente defectos en su cuerpo. “El yoga me ayudó a aceptar mi cuerpo como es. Con este instagram quiero inspirar a la gente a darse cuenta de que todo el mundo es bello y capaz de hacer cosas asombrosas con su cuerpo”, explicó.

HALF MILLION!!! Thank you!!!❤ We landed in NYC and when I opened my phone and there was a big surprise: 500 000 of you… ! I can't believe it! ❤ Thank you so much for your support and for sharing this journey with me. It really feels unreal and today I celebrate. I celebrate dreams, hopes, this community and you. ❤ You don't know my face, my name or where I'm from. Maybe some day, but it doesn't matter. I feel good like this. I feel closer to you everyday. Although I could have never imagined about this, I want to say: this is just the beginning. ❤ My dream is that everyone would be able to accept their body and start to love themselves exactly the way they are.That every single one of us could feel that they are unique. It's ok to be different. It's amazing to be you. That we all are enough. We are able to do so much more than we think and in the end: even if we all are different, we are a lot a like and similar. We are not here alone. ❤ Lots of hugs and love! ❤

Una foto publicada por Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) el

My morning yoga routine poses.❤Which one of this photos do you like the most?☺ (1-top lef and 9-bottom right)

Una foto publicada por Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) el

A lot can happen in a year. If you are unhappy with your life situation now, if you are lost, everything can turn up in one year. Next year everything is maybe very well, so don't worry too much if today you are not where you want to be. ❤ I just want to say don't wait too long to take responsibility for your life. I think we don't have to rush…things happen when the time is right. But we need to do something. Do things that you know that you will thank yourself for later on. And never doubt yourself. You can do it! ❤ Exactly today it's been one year since I started this account. I'm so happy that me and my boyfriend did all the photoshoots (almost 300 photos) even if some days starting and planning the time to do it was so hard. It has been so worth of it. ❤

Una foto publicada por Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) el

Be free. It's not yoga. It's my art and my way of expressing myself. ❤ You are beautiful exactly the way you are.

Una foto publicada por Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) el

Why I don't show my face… ❤ Some of you maybe thought that I published a picture of my face a few days ago… But no, that wasn't me. That was the amazing actress Kate Winslet. And this is one of my other favorites, Natalie Portman. ❤ Why? Just because art has no rules. Just because I wanted to try to make an idea true, just because it was fun! ❤ At first I didn't show my face maybe because I didn't have enough courage to do it. I was too afraid what people might say. Now it's because my account is not about who, but it's about what it stands for… my message, my art. ❤ And the most important thing is how we are on the inside not how we look on the outside – even if I think that everyone is unique beautiful! ❤️

Una foto publicada por Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) el

"Be patient with yourself, nothing in nature blooms all year." ❤

Una foto publicada por Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) el
